CNN Backstory on new evidence in RFK assassination

October 15, 2012

This CNN coverage of the new evidence in the RFK assassination was the result of background research done by their reporter Brad Johnson. It aired on the 41st anniversary of the murder, in 2009.

Flash! A newsman with CNN has uncovered evidence of a second gunman in the assassination of U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy back in June 1968.

It’s an audio tape known as the Pruszynski recording, the only known sound recording of the gunshots fired during the Bobby Kennedy shooting at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles (Kennedy was a candidate for President of the United States when he was killed there in June 1968).

Audio experts agree: the Pruszynski recording changes history.

See the startling results of the investigation conducted by these independent audio analysts. Hear the actual sounds of the RFK shooting. And learn the back story to this fascinating discovery, as well as find out what could happen next in the Robert Kennedy murder case.

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