Landmark Commission task force to take its first look at these interpretive signs proposed for Dealey Plaza

December 13, 2012

Here is the comment we posted:
If you left off the last sentence of the First Shot sign it would not be controversial and it would be “just the facts”. The references to the “assassin’s window” are completely speculative, based on the flawed conclusions of the Warren Commission and it’s staff. Faced with at least 7 wounds from the photographic and medical evidence, but with no full or accurate autopsy, and with the conclusion of Oswald as the sole assassin, firing from the TSBD window, they faced a serious problem. The alleged murder weapon, which could not be conclusively linked to Oswald, had clearly fired only three rounds. At least one bystander had been wounded by a separate shot. The fatal head shot required at least another bullet. That left one bullet to make two wounds in Kennedy’s chest, another two in Governor Connally’s chest, a wound through his
wrist and into his thigh. Even if the physical angles had allowed such a shot, the bullet claimed responsible was found on a stretcher at Parkland Hospital in almost pristine condition. The amount of metal missing from the bullet was less than the amount extracted from Governor Connally in the hospital, and not all fragments were removed. The ballistics test used to identify the bullet fragments with the rifle and the ammunition alleged to have been used has now been identified as so flawed that it may overturn some 2,000 convictions. It was first used in the JFK assassination by the FBI lab. No one knows exactly where each bullet originated or even how many were fired for sure, We do know there were more than three. The wound in Kennedy’s back, examined at Bethesda, did not penetrate deeply. One bullet was found there in the coffin and a “missile’ was removed from the chest cavity. Also, clearly the fatal head shot, which drove Kennedy up out of his seat and back at over 100 miles per hour and to the left, did not come from the back. Tracing the wound described by the Warren Commission as a “through and through” in Kennedy’s back and throat, which is was not, at the angle they depict, does not reach the TSBD or rise to the 6th floor level. So, leave out “assassin’s” window for the sake of reality and history. Even the current TSBD marker sign on the building reads “alleged assassin”. I have no doubt the Sixth Floor Museum had a part in the wording of these signs, despite it’s claims of neutrality on the issue. When it’s Director recently applied for a permit for Dealey Plaza next year she remarked in the Dallas Morning News that is would be to prevent “conspiracy theory”. This is not historical “interpretation” for either a Museum or a park, it is deliberate distortion of the facts. The vast majority of the American people believe there was a conspiracy involved, over 90%, so why do these signs represent a minority, dissenting and flawed conclusion instead. Presenting the facts, and all the facts, would serve a public need, not propaganda. John Judge – Coalition on Political Assassinations, Washington, DC

Landmark Commission task force to take its first look at these interpretive signs proposed for Dealey Plaza
By Robert Wilonsky
Dallas Morning News
11:03 am on December 12, 2012


To see the signage:

[Ironically, the graphic photo of the Grassy Knoll shows Warren Commission critic Robert Groden selling his assassination research materials]

Way back in March, Louise Elam, the Park and Recreation Department manager who’s overseeing the desperately needed Dealey Plaza makeover, told us that new interpretive signs being planned for the plaza would be simple and straight-forward — “just the facts,” in other words. Nothing about Umbrella Men or rogue CIA agents or KGB operatives or mobsters or even Lee Harvey Oswald…

“We’ll see what the reaction is today,” says Good, who’ll be presenting these to Landmark for the first time. “I stick by my feeling that it’s basically an international destination, so it ought to have its own brand and identity separate from the city but still ID’d as city-owned park land.”

As for the content of the signs, which refer to Abraham Zapruder and the Grassy Knoll and the assassin’s “first shot” but never mention Oswald, Good says the Sixth Floor Museum had a hand in “figuring out what the text was.” Says the designer, “The thought was to avoid anything controversial. So they kept everything pretty to the point about the various facts and kind of as simplified as possible.”

Keep in mind: All of this, including the proposal to move the Texas Historical Commission’s landmark plague from the Elm Street side to Commerce, is just a starting point. Even if the task force signs off on the signs today, they still have to pass through the Landmark Commission. The city council won’t have to approve them…

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