The perfect fashion statement for critics year-round and a nice holiday gift. Now you can wear the shirt that made national news even if you didn’t make it to the Grassy Knoll this year. This shirt was our dress code on the 50th anniversary at Dealey Plaza on November 22 and made us visible as critics of the official version of the assassination of President Kennedy who demand the truth. During the Mayor’s event in Dealey Plaza some of us wore the shirt and were picked up on AP wire doing a silent protest, pointing to the Grassy Knoll.
JFK researcher Gene Case, who passed on recently and was awarded the Sylvia Meagher plaque by COPA for truth-seeking, designed the logo and poster for the 50th and the COPA conference when he worked at Avenging Angels, Inc., his advertising firm in NYC. His widow Sylvia Rodriguez granted us exclusive use of the image.
The shirt can be worn anywhere to help start discussions about the assassinations and promote COPA. We are making it available througha print-on-demand online vendor and each sale donates $1.00 of the price to COPA.
Order now and amaze your friends, and join us to show the world that those who question the Warren Commission are the majority of Americans, not the dissent.
To order your shirt ($23.95) use this link:
You can pick from a range of sizes but please do not change the color, since we all want to be easily identified as one group. Please let us know that you have ordered or if you have any problems at