Fifty Years of Secrecy Surrounding the JFK Assassination is Enough
The Assassination Archives and Research Center (AARC), a
Washington DC based non-profit group, in a letter to the Archivist of
the United States has requested that the National Archives and the CIA release some 50,000 pages relating to President John F. Kennedy’s
assassination that remain withheld in full from the public, as well as an
undisclosed number of partially deleted records.
The letter maintains that release of such records well before the 50th
anniversary of the assassination on November 22, 2013, is essential to
having a full and informed national discussion of this event and its
The working group that produced the AARC’s letter consisted of three AARC Board Members and two leading attorneys who have a strong interest in the subject. The letter was also signed by Professor G. Robert Blakey, the former Chief Counsel of the House Select Committee on Assassinations.
In short, the AARC has advised the Archivist and the CIA that fifty
years of secrecy is enough.
The working group is currently discussing how best to develop a plan
of action to get the National Archives and CIA to expedite disclosure of
the withheld records. Stay tuned.
AARC Letter to the Archivist may be read here: Letter to National Archive
s 12-01-20.pdf7.