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‘Denied in Full’: Federal Judges Grill CIA Lawyers on JFK Secrets

January 20, 2012

Jefferson Morley spoke at our most recent COPA meeting in Dallas last November and his comments are online at our website. He continues in his efforts to release the Joannides files, challenging the National Declassification Center to release them under President Obama’s Executive Order from 2009 ordering all files classified more than 30 years earlier…

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FINALLY REVEALED after 44 years: The haunting, rarely seen pictures captured on the night Martin Luther King was assassinated

January 20, 2012
FINALLY REVEALED after 44 years: The haunting, rarely seen pictures captured on the night Martin Luther King was assassinated

The headline and text about these photographs are misleading. They were released nearly a year ago by Life Magazine on the 43rd anniversary in an online article. Also, the article accepts the official version of events. What is significant are the photographs themselves, almost crystal clear. They actually serve to undermine the official version of…

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Filmmaker denies JFK conspiracy theories

January 19, 2012

Filmmaker denies JFK conspiracy theories Indiana Daily Student (Indiana University) By Katie Mettler | IDS 11:30 PM ON Jan. 18, 2012 At 88 years old, John Barbour is a man made for the hills of Hollywood. His golden-brown skin, shiny jewelry and blue-and-brown pinstripe suit allude to his early pursuits in gambling, acting and stand-up…

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The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11

December 11, 2011

The Doomsday Project and Deep Events: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra, and 9/11 Peter Dale Scott (talk at COPA meeting, November, 2011, see Watch Conference for video) I know the capacity that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] and all agencies that…

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Smithsonian Channel uncovers Memphis footage surrounding assassination of Martin Luther King

December 9, 2011

Smithsonian Channel uncovers Memphis footage surrounding assassination of Martin Luther King By Associated Press, Published: December 7, 2011 NEW YORK — Some forward-looking college professors enabled television’s Smithsonian Channel to offer a look at the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. from the time in which it occurred. The network said Wednesday it will air…

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JFK Umbrella Man—More Doubts

December 7, 2011

JFK Umbrella Man—More Doubts By Russ Baker on Dec 5, 2011 See photographic evidence at: Umbrella Man and Dark Complected Man: Two big question marks If you read my recent piece on the New York Times’ credulous video about the “Umbrella Man” and his curious behavior at the scene of the JFK assassination,…

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Party asks to exhume Neruda’s remains in Chile

December 5, 2011

If the same judge exhumed Allende and confirmed suicide, one has to wonder. Reports at the time of Allende’s death about machine gun bullets into his back, and his wife Isabelle’s suspicions about the evidence were further supported by U.S. military reports about an operation by Green Beret Special Forces, sent in from an American…

Read more », Cognitive Infiltration, and Obama appointee Cass Sunstein

December 5, 2011

Not all conspiracies are created equal. Not all descriptions of conspiracy are theories, though the two words now seem inexorably joined at the hip in the mainstream media. Gerald Posner and Vincent Bugliosi wrote twisted and deceptive accounts of the evidence in the assassination of President Kennedy to uphold the theory that Oswald killed JFK…

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The Enduring Cult of Kennedy (and the real legacy)

December 4, 2011

Here is a recent NY Times column bashing John F. Kennedy’s legacy, replete with errors, and an interesting response follows from JFK’s grandson about his real accomplishments. It is clear from the real historical evidence that Kennedy was indeed pulling out of Vietnam as soon as his new term began, and that those orders were…

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National Archives works on declassifying massive backlog of documents

December 4, 2011

The JFK Assassination Records files are scheduled for full release in 2017, but Archives official Michael Kurtz promised in 2010 that the 50,000 pages still postponed or redacted would be released by 2013, under President Obama’s Executive Order on declassification of over 400 million pages of classified files hidden for over 25 years. Recently, the…

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