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50 Years in Denial is Enough! Official Poster of COPA 2013 Conference

November 30, 2013
50 Years in Denial is Enough! Official Poster of COPA 2013 Conference

JFK assassination researcher and advertising executive Gene Case designed this poster specifically for our 50th anniversary conference in Dallas. Sadly, he passed away before the date. His widow, Sylvia Case and artist Jose Chicas who provided the images, generously gave COPA exclusive use of the artwork. Jose Chicas recently sent us this updated version. The…

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The Kennedy Assassination and the Current Political Moment

November 30, 2013

Joan Mellen Lecture from 2007 – still Apt. Thanks to Elena Freeman for this posting. The Kennedy Assassination and the Current Political Moment Talk at the 92nd Street Y, JANUARY 28, 2007 by Joan Mellen It happened going on forty-four years ago, and yet the murder of President Kennedy remains simultaneously a subject of…

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I still get emotional about the JFK assassination 50 years later

November 30, 2013
I still get emotional about the JFK assassination 50 years later

I still get emotional about the JFK assassination 50 years later JFK knew how to handle a crisis. We should take inspiration and take back our country from the people who’ve wrecked it. Jesse Ventura The Guardian Friday 22 November 2013! ‘We haven’t even had full disclosure, let alone closure.’ Photograph: Sipa Press /…

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Tribute in Rain

November 29, 2013

This poem is written by Marilyn Tenenoff, who helped to organize the COPA conference, and is inspired by the events on November 22 in Dallas this year. She is a poetess and author of several books of poetry. Tribute in Rain for John Fitzgerald Kennedy November 22, 2013 Memory has its own momentum and on…

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Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination

November 29, 2013

Don’t Believe What Jack Tunheim Has To Say About the JFK Assassination by Douglas P. Horne, former Chief Analyst for Military Records, ARRB insidethearrb blog November 28th, 23:45 just published a recent article by U.S. News that quotes the former Chairman of the Assassination Records Review Board, Jack Tunheim, as follows—see this excerpt…

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Not in Your Lifetime – Anthony Summers’ COPA 2013 Keynote Speech

November 29, 2013

Due to technical difficulties, we were not able to bring Anthony Summers in at the conference from Ireland to present this talk. We are posting his keynote speech here at his request. Anthony Summers is the author of a definitive work on the Kennedy assassination, Not in Your Lifetime, which has recently be updated and…

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DVD Sets Will Be Available Soon for COPA 50th Anniversary Conference in Dallas

November 29, 2013
DVD Sets Will Be Available Soon for COPA 50th Anniversary Conference in Dallas

FIFTY YEARS IS ENOUGH! FREE THE FILES – FIND THE TRUTH COPA held our 20th annual conference in Dallas which will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy and the 45th anniversaries of the murders of Robert F. Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. Due to issues with broadband at the hotel…

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Sign a Petition to Free the JFK Files

November 29, 2013

Here is an update from researcher Bill Kelly on the petition drive to free all the remaining classified JFK assassination records immediately. If you have not signed on yet, please do so at FREE THE FILES PETITION UPDATE Many thanks to all those who have signed this petition. Just because the NARA and CIA…

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COPA Conference T-Shirts Still Available – Raise Questions All Year

November 29, 2013
COPA Conference T-Shirts Still Available – Raise Questions All Year

The perfect fashion statement for critics year-round and a nice holiday gift. Now you can wear the shirt that made national news even if you didn’t make it to the Grassy Knoll this year. This shirt was our dress code on the 50th anniversary at Dealey Plaza on November 22 and made us visible as…

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10 Points of Agreement on Political Assassinations – Sign On

November 29, 2013

Here is the full text of the 10 Points of Agreement on Political Assassinations reviewed and updated by the research community and at the last COPA meeting in November, 2012. To sign on, please send an email to This will be updated online here and also used for press and public distribution in a…

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